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Competence - 2.2.0

Improvements in evaluations with feedback

With the new continuous feedback feature in the employee profile, when performing an evaluation in which the competence has feedback associated with the employee, the system will display an indication during the competence evaluation, working as a reference to evaluate and illustrate certain situations that have motivated the choice of evaluation level.

The execution cycle feedback is now integrated with the new continuous feedback platform and displayed on employee feedback, indicating the execution of the evaluation plan in which it was performed.


N/A option in the competence evaluation 

From this version onwards, it will be possible for the evaluator to choose not to evaluate a certain competence, if it is not applicable to the evaluated employee, whether it is due to the context of the evaluation or because it was not required in the cycle, for example.

To do so, the Display N/A option for selection on the proficiency scale option must be checked on the evaluation plan.

By checking this option, the N/A option will be added to the proficiency scale level selection. By selecting the N/A option, the competence and its weight will not be considered in the calculation of the final score of the evaluation.

In cases in which the competence is required and the Require the evaluation of mapped competences as mandatory option is checked, the N/A option will not be displayed for selection.


Options for ID # and name of the type in the competence mask

From this version onwards, an item for the ID # and one for the name of the competence type will be made available in the competence mask configuration.

Until now, there was a single item for the Competence type which generated an ID # by joining the ID # and the name of the type.

With the separation, the user can choose the desired item, generating ID #s that are more appropriate to their needs.

Existing masks will use the ID # of competence type item for the previous Competence type.


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